Are you ruining your coffee beans? Here are common mistakes you might be making.

ruined coffee

Trust me, we've all been through these. You buy the best beans, invest in a fancy coffee grinder, but still, your espresso misses that wow moment. Maybe it's not a fluke if your coffee keeps disappointing.

In my search for the perfect cup of coffee, I delved deep into the world of coffee and brewing methods. Spoiler alert: There are some common "oopsie" moments that coffee lovers like you and me make. And no, this is not just about the correct grinding degree or water temperature.

There is a good chance that you unknowingly make mistakes while making your coffee that do not do justice to your precious beans. Shame, right? Let's discover together how you can avoid these blunders and take your coffee ritual to the next level. Because let's be honest, we want to start our day with the best possible cup of comfort, right?

Mismatching the origin of coffee beans with the brewing method

Oh, that origin error, we all know it! For example, a robust, earthy Sumatra blend can go terribly wrong in a delicate device like a Chemex, don't you think? But hey, we're here to learn, right? How about a lightly roasted, fruity Ethiopian bean? This really comes into its own in a V60. The finesse of the filter ensures that all the subtle tones are given free rein - a bit like magic, if you ask me!

Personally, I love experimenting with different combinations. Have you ever made a filter roast as espresso? Sometimes it works out fantastic, sometimes it is a learning experience. But that moment when everything comes together... fantastic!

coffee producers

Mismatching the roast level of the beans with the brewing method

Be honest, how many times have you made the wrong bean choice for your brewing method and ended up with a cup that just wasn't right? I've done it wrong so many times already! Take an espresso with beans that are actually intended for a slow coffee. That's like dancing salsa to classical music: it's possible, but it doesn't feel quite in time, you know?

Oh, excuse me, I'm getting lost in my coffee stories. What I mean to say is that the roasting of your beans really makes a difference to your morning ritual. Sometimes you have a coffee that is slightly over-roasted, and then when you make an espresso you get that overly bitter taste – like having a dark chocolate bar without the sweetness. Not my thing.

But if you do it right, with the right roasting matched to your espresso or latte, well, then you really have something special on your hands. What are your experiences? I'm very curious about your coffee blunders.

Blends Vs Single Origin Coffee Beans

Blends of Single Origin Coffee Beans – Does it Really Matter? Oh, absolutely! And you know what's so nice? Tasting the difference! Each Single Origin brings its own unique flavor profile – a bit like a trip around the world for your taste buds, right? Imagine taking a sip and suddenly you taste those hints of berries or that subtle chocolate note, it's simply exciting!

Now, with blends, there is a completely different story behind it. It is the art of blending, finding that perfect harmony between different coffees. When it's done right, wow, you get a cup with such layered complexity, delicious.

And hey, it's not just the tasting that's so fascinating. It's also about the stories, the origin, the people behind the beans. Did you know that every region, every farmer, every little detail influences that final taste? You just have to share that, tell where your coffee comes from, right?

What do you think anyway? Do you go for the consistency of a blend or do you opt for the authentic touch of a Single Origin?

More about the difference between coffee blends vs single origin coffee ?

Storing coffee beans incorrectly

Have you ever had the feeling that your coffee no longer tasted as fresh as when you first opened the bag? Well, that's where the problem often lies: storage. Coffee beans are like little sponges – they absorb odors from the air and that affects the taste. And let's be honest, no one wants a cup that tastes like 'fridge' or, worse, 'spice rack', right?

We need to talk about airtight containers – a lifesaver if you ask me. The idea is simple: the less air, the less chance of taste changes. So quickly put those open bags aside! But be careful, don't overdo it, right? Those beans need to be able to breathe a little.

So, for your next top-notch coffee experience, give your beans some love and attention – right container, cool dark place, and far from those nasty kitchen odors.

Also read: How should you store freshly roasted coffee beans?

Forgot to preheat

Ah, preheating the coffee making equipment, a step that is often skipped, but trust me, it makes the difference between a good and a fantastic coffee experience! Think about it – would you see a chef using a cold pan for a perfectly cooked sandwich? Of course not, and the same principle also applies to making coffee!

A preheated coffee machine or pot ensures that the temperature remains constant throughout the process, ensuring optimal extraction. Who wants a lukewarm espresso? By taking that one extra step, you can enjoy a rich and robust taste from the first sip. Plus, your coffee stays hot longer!

So, before you run the water through it, rinse your device with hot water. It only takes you a few seconds, but the effect is great. Give it a try and feel the difference – you'll be amazed how such a small act can have such a big impact.

Don't look at the brewing time of the coffee

Oh, the brewing time, a crucial detail in the coffee-making adventure that we sometimes like to underestimate, right? Just think about making tea—no one wants weak dishwater tea, but too strong is no fun either. Balance is the key! And let's face it, you've probably had that time when you thought, I'll leave it a little longer, then it will probably get stronger and better. But the result? A cup of bitter disappointment.

Let's forget about that quickly, because really, timing is everything. And it is just as precise when brewing your perfect cup. Not too short, because then you miss depth and character. Not for too long, because then you get that nasty bitterness that no one wants. We are looking for that golden moment when all flavors match perfectly.

We try to provide the ultimate coffee recipe for every coffee we roast. This indicates exactly how long it is best to let the coffee brew for the best taste experience.


In our search for the perfect cup of coffee, we can sometimes unknowingly make mistakes that diminish the experience of our precious beans. By recognizing that these mistakes are common, we can improve our coffee rituals and increase the quality of our coffee.

It is crucial to match the origin and roasting of the coffee beans to the brewing method. Choosing the right beans for a specific brewing method.

In addition, it is essential to store coffee beans correctly to maintain freshness. Airtight containers in a cool, dark place can prevent the beans from absorbing odors that can affect the flavor.

Preheating the coffee making equipment and closely monitoring the brewing time are small but important steps that can make a big difference in the final taste of the coffee. Preheating ensures a constant temperature during the brewing process, while a well-timed brewing time produces a balanced and characterful cup of coffee.

By avoiding these common mistakes and increasing our knowledge about coffee, we can take our coffee ritual to the next level and enjoy the best possible cup of comfort to start our day.