Robusta Coffee - What Is This Exactly?

Robusta coffee what is this exactly Photo: The Coffee Quest

Aroma, taste, origin and different types of coffee are fascinating topics for coffee lovers all over the world. In a previous blog post we talked about the popular 100% Arabica Coffee . Today we dive deeper into the world of coffee and take a look at another much-discussed variety: Robusta coffee.

If you've ever wondered what exactly Robusta coffee is and how it differs from other types of coffee beans , then you've come to the right place. In this blog post we discuss the characteristics, flavor profiles and production methods of Robusta coffee.

To understand what makes Robusta coffee truly unique, it is important to have a good foundation first. If you are new to Arabica coffee , we recommend that you read our previous blog post on this topic. After this, we continue to explore Robusta coffee. Discover the unique properties and the role this coffee variety plays in the coffee world. Let's dive deeper into the world of Robusta coffee and find out why it deserves the attention of coffee lovers around the world.

Origin and distribution

Robusta coffee, also known as Coffea canephora, is one of the most popular coffees in the world. It is mainly grown in countries with a tropical climate, especially in Africa and Asia. The origin of Robusta coffee lies in West Africa, where it grows naturally in areas such as Ivory Coast, Cameroon and Uganda. From there, the cultivation of Robusta coffee spread to other parts of the world.

Today, Robusta coffee is widely grown in various countries around the world. Vietnam is the largest producer of Robusta coffee, followed by countries such as Brazil, Indonesia, India and Uganda. These countries have ideal climatic conditions and soil conditions for the cultivation of Robusta coffee.

The distribution of Robusta coffee includes both local consumption and export to international markets. Robusta beans are known for their strong taste and higher caffeine content compared to Arabica beans. That's why Robusta is often used in Italian espressos, instant coffees and cheaper blends.

In recent years, the demand for Robusta coffee has increased, especially in emerging markets such as Asia. Although sometimes considered inferior to Arabica coffee, Robusta has its own unique properties and is appreciated by coffee lovers around the world.

The taste of Robusta Coffee

Robusta coffee is known for its distinctive flavor profile that sets it apart from other coffees. The taste of Robusta coffee is influenced by several factors, including growing conditions, processing and the roast level of the beans.

In general, Robusta coffee has a more powerful and intense taste compared to Arabica coffee. The taste is often described as earthy, nutty and sometimes even bitter. This is due to the higher caffeine content of Robusta beans. These properties make it a popular choice for lovers of strong and intense coffee.

In addition to the earthy and nutty notes, Robusta coffee can also contain hints of chocolate, cocoa and spices. However, the exact flavor profiles may vary depending on the specific origin and quality of the beans. Robusta coffee is often used in blends to add extra body and depth of flavour.

It is important to note that the taste of Robusta coffee is personal preference and may not suit everyone. Some people prefer the milder and sweeter taste of Arabica coffee. Nevertheless, Robusta coffee is loved by people looking for a powerful and characterful coffee experience.

Caffeine content

If you're looking for a strong cup of coffee to start your day, Robusta coffee might just be the right choice for you. Robusta beans are known for their higher caffeine content compared to other coffees, such as Arabica. This makes it a popular option for those looking for an energy boost.

The caffeine content in Robusta coffee varies, but on average it contains almost twice as much caffeine as Arabica coffee. This is because Robusta beans naturally have a higher caffeine content. Caffeine is a natural stimulant that can help improve alertness, increase concentration and boost metabolism.

The higher caffeine content in Robusta coffee can be both an advantage and a disadvantage, depending on your personal preference and tolerance level for caffeine. Some people enjoy the extra kick and energizing effects of Robusta coffee, while others prefer the milder taste and lower caffeine content of Arabica coffee.

It is important to remember that caffeine content can also vary depending on factors such as the roast and method of preparation of the coffee. If you're looking for a morning pick-me-up or an extra energy boost throughout the day, Robusta coffee with its higher caffeine content could be the perfect choice for you. If you prefer not to get too much caffeine, go for 100% Arabica coffee instead.

Use of Robusta Coffee Beans

Robusta coffee beans have a special place in the world of coffee because of their unique properties and flavor profile. The use of Robusta coffee beans varies depending on the preferences and applications of coffee enthusiasts and the coffee industry in general.

One of the most common uses of Robusta coffee beans is in espresso blends. Due to their higher caffeine content and intense flavour, Robusta beans are often used to give an extra kick and body to espressos. They contribute to the characteristic crema and offer a robust taste experience. This is especially common in commercial coffee production, where blends are made to meet the taste preferences of a wide audience and keep the coffee price lower.

Robusta coffee beans also find their way into instant coffee. Because of their strong flavor and higher caffeine content, Robusta beans are a popular choice for instant coffee production. The rapid dissolving process preserves Robusta coffee's distinctive flavor and caffeine content, making it a convenient and energizing choice for coffee drinkers on the go.

The use of Robusta coffee beans offers a wide range of possibilities and applications in the coffee industry. From espresso blends to instant coffee, Robusta coffee beans add their signature strength and flavor to various coffee creations.

Benefits of Robusta Coffee

Robusta coffee beans offer several benefits that set them apart from other coffees. From their potent flavor profile to their energizing properties, here are some of the benefits of using Robusta coffee beans.

One of the main advantages of Robusta coffee beans is their higher caffeine content compared to other coffees, such as Arabica. This makes Robusta coffee ideal for people looking for an energy boost or a pick-me-up to start the day. As mentioned earlier, caffeine can help improve alertness, increase concentration and boost metabolism.

In addition, Robusta coffee beans are known for their powerful flavor profile. They often have an earthy, nutty flavor with hints of chocolate and spices. For lovers of strong and intense coffee, Robusta coffee can be an excellent choice to meet their taste preferences.

Another advantage of Robusta coffee beans is that they are generally stronger and more resistant than Arabica beans in plant form. Robusta plants thrive in a variety of climatic conditions and are often more resistant to pests and diseases. This makes the cultivation of Robusta coffee beans relatively easier and less prone to crop losses.

In short, the benefits of Robusta coffee beans include a higher caffeine content, a powerful flavor profile and better disease resistance. Whether you are looking for an energy boost or a strong and intense coffee experience, Robusta coffee beans offer several benefits for coffee lovers.


In this blog we have taken a look into the world of Robusta coffee. With its powerful flavor profile, higher caffeine content and diverse applications, Robusta coffee offers a unique experience for coffee lovers. Whether you are looking for a strong boost in the morning or an intense taste experience, Robusta coffee beans have a lot to offer. It's important to remember that taste is personality and preference can vary. So, whatever you're looking for in your cup of coffee, don't forget to give Robusta coffee a try and discover the rich world of this distinctive coffee for yourself.