The art of coffee blending

Blending coffee

Blending coffee is a true art form, a craft that requires accuracy, creativity and in-depth knowledge of different types of coffee. This expertise allows us to create complex and unique flavor profiles that transform our daily cup of coffee into an exceptional experience.

This journey starts with choosing the right coffee beans, determining the perfect roast profile and ends with the expert blending of the coffee types. By blending different coffees, we open up a world of flavors and aromas, from delicate fruity notes to rich, earthy chocolate notes. In this chapter we explore the art of coffee blending, focusing on the techniques, science and passion that shape this fascinating craft.

Bringing together various flavors

The process of blending coffee starts with a thorough knowledge of the various flavors of coffee. This is no different than a chef choosing the best ingredients to create a delicious dish. Coffee blending is about finding coffee types that complement and enhance each other, with the end result being more than the sum of their parts.

For example, imagine making a coffee blend with beans from Brazil and Ethiopia, as we actually achieved with our fresh Blend No.2 . The Brazilian beans provide a nutty, sweet base, while the Ethiopian beans brighten up the blend with their fruity, floral and wine-like accents. By blending these beans you create a coffee that is both familiar and exciting, a symphony of flavors that you would not achieve with a single bean.

When blending coffee, it's not just about the selection of beans, but also about the ratio. A small adjustment in the ratio can have a big impact on the final flavor profile. It is an ongoing process of experimenting, tasting and adapting, always with the aim of creating the ultimate cup of coffee.

Blending coffee is indeed a true art form. It requires a deep understanding of the complex flavors of coffee and a passion for creating something extraordinary. And just as a painter mixes his paint to get the perfect shade, the coffee roaster, in this case our head roaster Marvin Antonius, blends his beans to brew the perfect cup of coffee.

Coffee blends

Traditional coffee blends

Traditional coffee blends have a long history, often involving the addition of cheaper robusta beans to disguise quality and save costs. The goal was uniformity and consistency, but the result was a very dark roasted blend that tried to mask the beans' shortcomings.

Blending traditional coffee blends was a delicate balance of art and science, carefully blending the weaker beans to create a satisfying flavor.

Contemporary specialty coffee blends, on the other hand, focus on combining beans with complementary flavors and aromas, where the sum is greater than the parts. Lower quality beans are not used to reduce the price. The result is a coffee experience that celebrates the diversity and complexity of each bean.

Balancing acidity, body and taste

When blending coffee, balancing acidity, body and flavor is crucial to achieve a harmonious sensation in the cup. The acidity, which represents the brightness and vibrancy of the coffee, must be balanced with the body - the tactile feel of the coffee in the mouth. Too much acidity can make the coffee sharp and astringent, while too full a body can mask the smoothness and subtlety of the flavors.

When blending coffee, the trick is to choose beans that balance these elements in a complementary way. Ideally, the beans reinforce each other's strengths and compensate for each other's weaknesses. For example, a bean with high acidity but little body can be mixed with a bean that has a full body but is less acidic. This way a balanced blend is created that is both lively and full.

Taste is the last, but certainly not the least, factor in this equation. It is the end goal of coffee blending, where the sum of the parts results in a unique and delicious whole. Each bean contributes to the overall flavor profile, whether chocolate, fruit, nuts or spices, and it is up to the roaster to blend these flavors harmoniously. The ultimate goal is to create a coffee blend that treats the taste buds to a memorable coffee experience.

Single Origin vs. Blend

When talking about coffee blending, it is essential to understand the distinction between single-origin coffee and coffee blends . Single-origin coffee is coffee that comes from a single geographic location, such as a specific plantation or region. This type of coffee is known for its unique flavor profile and ability to represent the specific characteristics of its origin.

Blends, on the other hand, are a mix of coffee beans from different areas of origin, carefully composed by the coffee roaster. The process of blending coffee is an art in itself, where the coffee roaster strives for a balance of flavors to create a complex and harmonious end product. The advantage of coffee blends is that they offer the ability to maintain a consistent flavor profile regardless of seasonal variations in coffee bean harvest.

When choosing between single-origin coffee and a blend, it's all about personal preference. For those who enjoy a consistent, versatile flavor profile, a carefully crafted coffee blend can be an excellent choice. On the other hand, lovers of the unique, unadulterated flavors of a specific region may prefer single-origin coffee.


When choosing between single-origin coffee and a blend, personal taste plays a major role. The process of coffee blending is a craft that brings complexity and harmony to a cup, but the unique, pure flavors of single-origin coffees have their own charm. For those who prefer depth and variety of flavors, a specialty blend may be a good choice. On the other hand, if you want to taste the untainted flavors of a specific region, single-origin coffee is the way to go. Regardless of your choice, it's important to remember that both single-origin and blending coffee are a reflection of the craft, science and passion that goes into every cup of coffee.