Dutch Coffee: a cold brew everyone should try

cold brew coffee

Dutch Coffee, a cold brewing method that has its origins in the 17th century, is a coffee experience that everyone should try at least once in their lives. This unique method, originally devised by Dutch sailors as a way to preserve large quantities of coffee during long sea voyages, results in a drink that is both refreshing and flavorful.

Dutch Coffee is distinguished by its smooth, sweet taste and low acidity, making it ideal for those who normally find coffee too strong for their stomach. Try this unique and historic way of preparing coffee and discover a whole new world of taste and refinement.

Exploring a refreshing cold brew

If you're new to Dutch Coffee, you might wonder what makes it so special. The answer lies in the unique brewing process that uses iced drip technology. This method involves slowly dripping ice-cold water through freshly ground coffee, meaning it can take up to 8 hours to make a perfect pot of Dutch Coffee. But trust us, the wait is totally worth it.

The end result? A delicious, complex and very aromatic coffee that is a real treat for the taste buds. Dutch Coffee is not only refreshing, but also offers a depth and diversity of flavors that you will not find in other types of coffee. Notes of rich chocolate, sweet fruit notes and even floral hints can be discerned in every sip.

So, whether you're a seasoned coffee lover looking for something new, or someone who isn't normally a fan of the bitterness of traditional coffee, Dutch Coffee is an option you should definitely consider. This historic and special brewing method can add a whole new dimension to your morning ritual.

How it differs from traditional cold brew

Although both Dutch Coffee and traditional cold brew coffee are prepared with cold water, there are clear differences between the two. First, the time. A traditional cold brew usually takes 12 to 24 hours to prepare, while Dutch Coffee is ready in 3 to 8 hours. This difference in time affects the taste and texture of the coffee.

Dutch Coffee is known for its smooth and sweet taste, with less acid and bitterness than most hot coffees. These flavor profiles are achieved through the slow brewing process, in which cold water slowly drips through the ground coffee. This process brings out the delicate flavors and aromas in the coffee, contributing to its complex and nuanced taste.

In contrast, traditional cold brew has a more robust and strong flavor, with a full body and high acidity. These properties make it an ideal choice for those who prefer a more distinct coffee experience.

If you want to read more about the history of cold brew coffee, I highly recommend our previous article.

cold brew

Make Dutch Coffee at home

Making Dutch Coffee in the comfort of your own home is an experience in itself. It requires patience and attention to detail, but the result is a refreshing and unique taste that you can't find anywhere else.

The process starts with selecting the right coffee beans. Choose beans with a clean, sweet taste and a light acidity. The next step is to grind the beans. It is essential to have a consistent grind so that the water can drip evenly through the coffee.

Then comes the setting. Dutch Coffee is made using a special Dutch Coffee maker, also called a cold drip tower. The water is placed in the top bulb of the tower, from where it slowly drips through the ground coffee. The entire process takes 3 to 8 hours, depending on how strong you want your coffee.

The end result is a clear, sweet coffee with a smooth taste and little bitterness. Dutch Coffee is perfect for a warm summer day, but can also be enjoyed on a cold winter morning. Give it a try, and who knows, it might become your new favorite way to drink coffee.

Are you interested in such a Dutch / Dutch Cold Brew coffee maker ? You can find a good one on Amazon!

Unique variants of Dutch Coffee

As we already know, Dutch Coffee is one of a kind. But did you know that there are even more unique varieties of Dutch Coffee? When experimenting with Dutch Coffee, coffee lovers have discovered a world of possibilities, resulting in some very special variants.

A popular variant is Dutch Coffee with a hint of caramel or vanilla. These additions enrich the natural sweetness of the coffee and provide a wonderfully creamy sensation. There is also the option to add spices, such as cinnamon or star anise, for an extra special touch.

For the adventurous drinkers among us, there is even a spicy version of Dutch Coffee. This is prepared with a hint of chili, which provides a surprisingly warm kick against the cool, sweet taste of the coffee.

Perhaps the most special variant is the Dutch Coffee cocktail. This is a mix of Dutch Coffee, a strong drink such as whiskey or rum, and a sweetener such as honey. The result is a powerful, flavorful cocktail that is perfect for a special occasion.

It is clear that with Dutch Coffee the possibilities are endless. Whether you like sweet, spicy, spicy, or even alcoholic, there is always a Dutch Coffee variant that suits you.

Why is it not popular in the Netherlands?

Despite the rich flavors and unique preparation method, the popularity of Dutch Coffee in the Netherlands is not as high as you would expect. It is remarkable that despite the fact that it bears the name 'Dutch', this special brewing technique is not so widespread in the land of windmills and tulips.

One of the reasons for this may be that Dutch Coffee is essentially a slow coffee. The preparation time varies from a few hours to even a whole day, which is at odds with the 'hurried' coffee culture of the Dutch. The typical Dutch person likes a quick cup of coffee to start the day and during work breaks.

Furthermore, the traditional Dutch Coffee is a cold drink, which may not be preferred in the predominantly cold and rainy climate of the Netherlands. However, the unique taste and experimenting with different variations make Dutch Coffee a real treat for real coffee lovers. It is a drink that requires time and attention, but in return offers an unforgettable coffee experience.


Dutch Coffee, despite its name, may not be the go-to choice for the average Dutch person, but it still has an undeniable charm. It is a treat for the senses, a dance of flavors and aromas, which come together in a cold, refreshing coffee drink. It is a coffee experience that, although time-consuming, is definitely worth it for the true coffee enthusiast.

The preparation of Dutch Coffee is a reminder of a slower, more thoughtful era - an era when people took the time to truly enjoy the things in life, like a good cup of coffee. It reminds us that some things shouldn't be rushed, and that the best things in life take time to develop.

Although the cold temperature of Dutch Coffee may not be to everyone's taste in the cold Dutch climate, it is a wonderfully refreshing alternative in the summer months. And with the endless variations and possibilities to experiment, there really is a Dutch Coffee for everyone.

So why not take a chance? Who knows, you might be pleasantly surprised and become the next biggest fan of Dutch Coffee in the Netherlands. It is certainly an experience that every coffee lover should have at least once.