Ethiopia Sidamo

The story behind: Ethiopia Sidamo

This story is related to product Ethiopia Sidamo .

The typical Sidamo taste

The Sidamo name comes from the indigenous ethnic group, the Sidama . Sidamo coffee beans have a deep complexity that many attribute to the diversity of local landraces.

This specific coffee is produced by many small farmers. They are processed in central processing stations. This preserves the depth of the special flavor of the region.

The region uses a Designation of Origin for the coffee beans grown in the region.

You won't really be surprised if you look at the environmental factors; coffee grown at 1,550-2,200 meters, abundant rainfall and super fertile soil!

Organic-by-default (naturally organic)

Farming methods in Sidamo are largely traditional. The farmers usually grow their coffee plants together with and between other food crops (intercropping).

This method maximizes the area of ​​land and also provides food for their families. Partly for this reason, there are so many different landraces, which are thought to give the unique flavor to the local specialty coffees .

In addition, most farms are naturally organic! That is another nice advantage.

They use virtually no fertilizers or pesticides. Almost all work is done manually, even during the processing of the coffee beans.

Many small farmers

The coffee trading structure in Ethiopia makes it possible for many small farmers to participate.

By setting up a number of regional processing stations, coffee farmers can deliver their coffee harvest here, no matter how small. These are assessed and graded.

For this they receive a suitable price according to the quality according to the SCA cupping score .

This story is related to product Ethiopia Sidamo .