How to Choose a Coffee Brewing Method

Select coffee brewing method

As coffee aficionados, we all know that the right brewing method can make all the difference in the taste and quality of our beloved morning coffee. However, with so many different brewing methods available today, it can be overwhelming to make the right choice. Whether you're a passionate home barista or just looking for a new way to enjoy your daily cup of coffee, this blog post will guide you through choosing the perfect brewing method to suit your needs and preferences.

When choosing a coffee brewing method, there are several factors to consider. One of the most important considerations is the level of control you want to have over the brewing process. Some people prefer a more manual approach, where they can control every aspect of the move, while others are looking for a simpler, more automatic method. In addition, taste also plays a major role. Each brewing method has its own unique characteristics that affect the flavor profiles of the coffee.

In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at some of the most popular coffee brewing methods, discuss their pros and cons, and help you make an informed choice.

The espresso method


The espresso brewing method is a popular choice among coffee aficionados because of its intense flavor and distinctive aroma. However, brewing a perfect espresso requires precision and attention to detail. Let's take a look at the gist of this method and some valuable tips to help you achieve a great cup of espresso.

In our blog post " 5 Most Common Espresso Brewing Mistakes " we offer insight into the pitfalls to avoid to get the best results. Espresso brewing is all about the perfect balance between coffee, water, pressure and extraction time. It all starts with using freshly ground, high quality coffee beans. The fineness of the grind is essential to achieve the correct extraction, whereby taste and aroma are optimally released. Using a quality espresso machine with the correct pressure settings is also critical.

One of the most common espresso brewing mistakes is not weighing the coffee accurately. Using the right amount of coffee is essential to get a balanced taste. Too much or too little coffee can lead to a bitter or weak espresso. It is therefore important to use a scale to achieve the correct proportions.

With the right knowledge and technique you can make a delicious espresso at home. With practice and experimentation, you'll be enjoying a perfect espresso in no time that will delight your taste buds. Take a look at our step-by-step plan for making the perfect espresso here.

The French Press Method


The French Press brewing method is loved by coffee aficionados around the world for its simplicity and the full, rich flavor it produces. With the help of a French Press you can easily make a delicious cup of coffee at home. Let's take a look at the essence of this method and some tips to prepare the perfect French Press coffee.

Making coffee with a French Press is all about the right ratio between coffee and water. Start by coarsely grinding fresh coffee beans. The coarse grind is important to prevent the ground coffee from passing through the metal filter of the French Press and ending up in your cup. Then add the ground coffee to the French Press and pour hot water over it, just below the boiling point.

Let the coffee and water steep for a few minutes. Traditionally, an extraction time of about four minutes is recommended, but you can experiment with shorter or longer extraction times to achieve the desired flavor. After the time has elapsed, slowly push down on the French Press to push down the metal filter, separating the coffee grounds from the liquid.

One of the advantages of the French Press is the ability to adjust the flavor intensity. If you like a strong cup of coffee, you can use a little more coffee or extend the brewing time. If you prefer a milder taste, you can use a little less coffee or shorten the steeping time. This makes the French Press a versatile and simple brewing method that can be adapted to your personal taste preferences.

With a little practice you can enjoy a great cup of coffee using the French Press method. Would you like to know more about this accessible method? Check out our blog about the French Press brewing method here.

The Pour Over method

brewing advice

The pour-over brewing method is a favored technique among coffee aficionados for the control and precision it provides when brewing coffee. With the help of a pour over system you can prepare a refined and clear cup of coffee. A good pour over coffee starts with choosing the right type of coffee. Choose high quality, freshly roasted coffee (e.g. specialty coffee ), preferably freshly ground just before brewing. My personal preference for pour over coffee is coffee made with light roast coffee beans , but tastes differ of course.

To make pour-over coffee, you need a special pour-over dripper and filter, such as a Hario V60 or an Aeropress . Place a filter in the dripper and pre-rinse the filter with hot water to remove any paper taste. Then add the ground coffee to the filter (the grind depends on the brewing method) and place the dripper on top of your cup or carafe.

Often you slowly pour hot water over the ground coffee, making small circular movements. This ensures an even extraction of the flavors. It depends on the specific brewing method, but typically you will use a temperature of around 93°C - 96°C for pour over coffee, but you can experiment with different temperatures to adjust the taste to your preference.

With the right technique and attention to detail, you can enjoy a refined and flavorful cup of coffee using the pour-over method. The control you have over the brewing process makes it possible to experiment and perfect the taste to your personal preference. In our blogs we cover a lot of pour over brewing methods in specific. But if you are looking for an overview of the most frequently asked questions about pour over coffee, I would like to refer you to this blog.

The AeroPress method

Aeropress method

We just mentioned the method as part of the pour over method, but AeroPress really deserves a chapter on its own. The AeroPress brewing method is an innovative and versatile technique for preparing a delicious cup of coffee. With the AeroPress you can easily enjoy a coffee with a distinct taste profile at home.

The AeroPress consists of two large parts, a filter holder and some loose tools. How you use the AeroPress differs a lot, because there are many different techniques and recipes. Every year AeroPress world championships are held where surprising recipes are demonstrated.

One of the advantages of the AeroPress is the ability to experiment with different variables, such as the grind size, water and coffee ratios, and extraction time. By adjusting these variables you can adjust the taste and strength of the coffee to your personal preference. This, coupled with its portability and ease of use, makes the AeroPress a great choice for coffee enthusiasts who want to enjoy a high-quality cup of coffee on the go. We took the AeroPress on holiday this year!

The Siphon method

The siphon brewing method, also known as vacuum brewing, is a fascinating and visually appealing way to brew coffee. The process involves using a glass siphon device that works on the basis of pressure differentials and vacuum. With the Siphon you can prepare a tasty and clean cup of coffee. The brewing process involves heating water in the lower bowl of the siphon, causing it to rise through pressure to the upper bowl where it comes into contact with the ground coffee.

After a short extraction time, the heat source is removed, creating the vacuum and pulling the coffee back down through the filter. What remains is a delicious cup of coffee without sediment. The Siphon brewing method is not only an effective way to brew coffee, but it is also an impressive spectacle to watch during the brewing process.

The Cold Brew method

Cold brew coffee has been gaining popularity in recent years due to its unique flavor profiles and refreshing character. This brewing method uses slow extraction at cold temperatures to produce a mild, sweet and concentrated brew. The cold brew process starts with the right type of coffee. Choose high-quality, coarsely ground coffee beans. The coarse grind helps with a slow extraction and prevents too much bitter flavors from being released. Place the ground coffee in a large mason jar or special cold brew maker .

Pour cold water over the ground coffee until it is completely covered, according to the ratio of a specific cold brew recipe. Stir gently to make sure all the coffee is moistened. Then place the pot in the refrigerator and let the coffee steep for 8 to 24 hours. We recommend that you store the coffee in the refrigerator to prevent oxidation and spoilage.

After the extraction it is time to separate the concentrated coffee from the ground coffee. Use a fine-mesh filter, strainer, or cheesecloth to strain the coffee. Slowly pour the coffee through the filter to obtain the desired clear liquid. The resulting coffee concentrate can be diluted with water or served over ice for a refreshing summertime treat.

One of the benefits of cold brew is its versatility. You can dilute the coffee concentrate with water, milk or even use it as a base for other drinks such as iced coffee or coffee cocktails. Cold brew can also be stored in the refrigerator for several days, making it a convenient option for those on the go. But, the sooner you drink it, the better of course!

With the cold brew method you can enjoy a silky smooth and less bitter cup of coffee. The slow extraction process at cold temperatures creates a unique taste experience. Try different coffee types and ratios to discover your perfect cold brew coffee.

The Moka Pot or Percolator method (on a stove top)

The Moka Pot, also known as an espresso pot, is a classic and popular way to brew coffee. This method combines the rich taste of espresso with the ease of use of a traditional coffee pot. It is an excellent choice for lovers of strong and aromatic coffee.

A Moka Pot consists of three parts: the lower water chamber, the middle coffee chamber and the upper reservoir. The process begins by filling the lower water chamber with fresh water to just below the pressure relief valve. The coffee chamber is then filled with ground coffee without tamping it. It is important to distribute the coffee evenly and not to press it down too much.

The brewing process on a hob:

  1. Place the Moka Pot on a stove or induction plate over low to medium heat. Make sure to keep the handle of the Moka Pot away from the flame or heat source to avoid burns.

  2. Wait patiently while the water in the lower chamber heats. As the water heats up, the pressure will increase and move up through the ground coffee.

  3. As soon as the coffee starts to flow and you hear a hissing sound, it's time to turn off the heat. This prevents the coffee from overheating and getting a bitter taste.

  4. Pour the freshly brewed coffee into cups or a pitcher.

Use freshly ground coffee for the best taste. Choose a grind similar to espresso for optimal results. Experiment with different coffees to discover your favorite flavor profile. Make sure the Moka Pot is clean and free of coffee residue to maintain flavor consistency. Avoid overheating the Moka Pot as this can give the coffee a burnt taste.

With the Moka Pot method you can easily make a delicious coffee at home, comparable to an espresso. But the Moka Pot is also extremely popular to take with you on holiday!

The Auto Drip Brewer method

The Auto Drip Brewer, also known as an electric coffee maker, is a popular and convenient way to brew coffee. With several options, including the old-fashioned quick-filter coffee maker, this method offers convenience and consistency for coffee lovers.

An Auto Drip Brewer consists of a water tank, a filter holder and a coffee pot. The process begins by pouring water into the reservoir. A paper filter is then placed in the filter holder and filled with ground coffee of your choice. The water is heated and passed through the ground coffee into the filter, where it drops into the coffee pot.

Of course you can find the Auto Drip Brewer, or quick filter coffee machine in different variants on the market. From simple straight forward, to very special and luxurious versions. Nowadays there are also very handy machines with a built-in coffee grinder.

The Turkish Coffee Method

Turkish coffee

The Turkish coffee method is an ancient and traditional way of making coffee. It is known for its strong flavor and rich texture. This method requires special attention and a careful preparation process, making it a true art form.

In the Turkish coffee method, finely ground coffee is mixed with water and sugar (optional) in a special pot known as a cezve. The mixture is heated slowly on a stovetop or open flame. The slow heating process fully releases the flavors and aromas, creating a unique coffee experience.

For more in-depth information and detailed instructions on how to brew Turkish coffee , I recommend checking out the earlier blog about it.


This blog post talks about different brewing methods and offers advice on choosing the right one based on individual needs and preferences.

We discuss the espresso method, where precision and attention to detail are essential, and give tips on how to make a perfect espresso. The French Press method is praised for its simplicity and rich flavor, offering flexibility in terms of flavor intensity.

There are many more methods described, and of course many more undescribed. The world of coffee making is endless...

What is your favorite brewing method?