The top 5 manual coffee grinders for the ultimate coffee experience

Best manual coffee grinder

You probably already know that freshly ground coffee is the best, as we described earlier in the blog about grinding coffee , and you are now looking for a suitable coffee grinder. Manual coffee grinders, also known as hand grinders or manual grinders, are a popular choice for coffee enthusiasts who want to create the perfect coffee grind at home.

Not only do they give you full control over the grind, but they're also portable, durable, and often have a longer lifespan than electric coffee grinders. If you're looking for the best manual coffee grinder to take your morning brew to the next level, you've come to the right place.

"From the affordable Hario Mini Mill Plus to the popular Commandante Grinder"

In this blog post we discuss the top 5 manual coffee grinders of 2023. From the affordable and classic Hario Mini Mill Plus to the popular Commandante Grinder, we tested and compared them all. We look at key factors such as grind quality, durability and value for money so you can make an informed choice when choosing the best coffee grinder for your needs. Whether you're a beginner in the world of manual coffee grinding or a seasoned coffee connoisseur, we're sure to have an option to suit your style and budget. Let's start!

Is a manual coffee grinder better than an electric coffee grinder?

A common question among coffee enthusiasts is whether a manual coffee grinder is better than an electric grinder. The answer depends on your personal preference and needs.

A manual coffee grinder offers complete control over the grind and is therefore popular with baristas and coffee purists. With a hand grinder you can adjust the grind exactly to the brewing method and the taste you want to achieve. In addition, manual grinders are usually quieter than electric grinders and require no electricity, making them ideal for travel and outdoor use.

On the other hand, electric coffee grinders are more efficient and easier to use, especially if you need to grind large amounts of coffee. Electric grinders are also faster than manual grinders, giving you more time to enjoy your fresh coffee.

Ultimately, the choice depends on your preference for control, convenience, and efficiency. If you want full control over the grind and enjoy creating a ritual around grinding coffee, a manual coffee grinder is probably the best option for you. If, on the other hand, you're looking for convenience and speed, an electric coffee grinder may be the better choice. Personally, I find an electric coffee grinder really much more convenient when making espresso, because you are often busy with dials and you sometimes have to grind 5-10 x 18-20 grams of coffee in a row. If you do this with a manual coffee grinder, it will take you a very long time.

What is the top 5 manual coffee grinders (2023)

The coffee grinders below are not in order from good to less good. Which is best depends on your personal situation.

1) 1Zpresso JX-Pro

1Zpresso JX Manual

Price: €175

The 1Zpresso JX-Pro is a high quality manual coffee grinder with 48mm stainless steel burrs, ensuring a consistent and accurate grind. A disadvantage of this hand mill could be that it is slightly heavier than, for example, the number two in this list, but that is of course due to its sturdier construction and materials. With only 778 grams, you can still take it with you relatively easily. An advantage of the 1Zpresso JX Pro is the speed at which it can grind coffee beans. In fact, according to the review, it's the fastest manual coffee grinder he's ever tried. This is due to the design of the grinder and the special gear construction, which gives you the desired grind within seconds. In any case, we will take it with us on vacation!

2) Hario Mini Mill Plus

Hario Mini Mill Plus


Price: €30

This Hario coffee grinder is a budget-friendly option with a sleek and compact design, ideal for travel. The grinder has ceramic burrs that provide a consistent grind, but it's not as durable as stainless steel burrs. It's also important to note that it has a smaller capacity than some other manual coffee grinders, but for 2 cups of coffee each, it's perfect.

3) Commander C40

Commander C40


Price: €235 - 300

The Commandante C40 is a beautiful manual coffee grinder with a robust and durable design. It has 48mm stainless steel burrs and is capable of producing a wide variety of grinds from fine to coarse. However, it is one of the more expensive manual coffee grinders on the market.

4) Timemore Chestnut C2 Max

Timemore C2 Max

Source: Timemore

Price: €89.50

This manual grinder from Timemore is a relatively new addition to the manual coffee grinder market, but it has already received a lot of praise from coffee enthusiasts. It has ceramic burrs and a slim design, ideal for travel. This mill has recently also been included in the range, and in terms of price range sits nicely between the affordable Hario and the more expensive 1Zpresso.

5) 1zpresso K-MAX

1zpresso K-MAX


Price: €240 - €260

This is a powerful manual coffee grinder with 48mm stainless steel burrs and a large capacity for beans. It has a unique design with a magnetically removable handle, which is convenient for storage. Another disadvantage is that this variant of 1zpresso is slightly larger/heavier.

All of these manual coffee grinders have their own unique advantages and disadvantages. It is important to determine which factors are most important to you, such as grind quality, durability, portability and value for money, when choosing the best manual coffee grinder for your needs.

What kind of coffee can you make with a manual coffee grinder?

With a manual coffee grinder you can basically make any kind of coffee you want. Whether you want to make filter coffee, espresso or even Turkish coffee, it's all possible. The most important thing is to have the correct grind size, depending on the desired brewing method and taste.

The grinding degree options of the relevant coffee grinder are crucial here. Some manual coffee grinders offer more grind settings than others, resulting in more versatility when brewing different types of coffee. The size of the reservoir and the time available are also factors that can influence how to make coffee with a manual coffee grinder. If the reservoir is large enough, you can grind enough coffee for several cups in one go. But if you have a small reservoir, you may have to grind several times for the desired result.

While manual grinding generally takes a bit more time, it can be worth it for those who don't mind. I personally find manual grinding so not very suitable for setting the correct grinding degree for an espresso machine. Manual grinding can be a relaxing and satisfying experience for coffee aficionados who like to take the time to brew the perfect cup of coffee.

Are you looking for an automatic or electric coffee grinder? Then read my top 12 incredible Burr grinders article.


When it comes to choosing the best manual coffee grinder, there are many different factors to consider, such as the grind settings, the material of the grinder and the price. The good news is that there are plenty of options to choose from, and each manual coffee grinder has its own advantages and disadvantages.

As for the question of what coffee you can make with a manual coffee grinder, the answer is actually very simple: anything you want. The key to making great coffee with a manual grinder is finding the right grind size and taking the time to brew the perfect cup of coffee.

Whether you're on the road, camping, or just sitting on the couch at home, a manual coffee grinder is a great way to always enjoy fresh, flavorful coffee. Grinding by hand can take some getting used to, but once you get the hang of it, it can be a very satisfying and soothing experience. With the right manual coffee grinder you can always enjoy the best flavors and aromas that coffee has to offer. Are you now looking for coffee grinders? View our current selection of coffee grinders including manual grinders.