Why is my coffee maker leaking?

coffee machine

A leaking coffee maker can be a frustrating start to your day. Whether you need a quick cup to start the morning or just want to enjoy a quiet moment with your favorite brew, an unexpected puddle of water is the last thing you want.

Fortunately, there are often simple solutions to this problem, and in this guide we're going to explore the possible causes of a leaking coffee maker and help you get back to enjoying your perfect cup of coffee in no time.

Common causes of coffee machine leakage

Loose or worn gaskets

One of the most common causes of leakage in coffee machines is loose or worn gaskets.

These small rubber parts keep water and coffee from escaping, but over time they can wear out or become loose.

  • How do you recognize this problem? You can identify a leaking machine by water seeping from the sides or bottom of the machine. This often means that the gaskets no longer seal properly.

  • What can you do about it? Check the gaskets regularly and replace them if necessary. This is usually a simple and cheap solution.

Blockages in the system

Another common cause of leaks is a blockage in the system.

Coffee grounds and lime can accumulate in the pipes and filters, preventing water from flowing properly.

  • How do you recognize this problem? If you notice that the coffee is coming through slower than normal or that water is coming out of unusual places, this could indicate a blockage.

  • What can you do about it? Regular descaling and cleaning of your coffee maker can prevent blockages. Use special cleaning agents that are suitable for your type of machine.

Damaged water reservoirs

The water reservoir of your coffee maker can become damaged over time, which can lead to leaks.

This can happen due to cracks or breaks in the plastic.

  • How do you recognize this problem? If you see water leaks directly under the reservoir, there is a good chance that there is a crack or break.

  • What can you do about it? Check the reservoir for visible damage and replace it if necessary. It is also a good idea to handle the reservoir gently to prevent future damage.

Preventive maintenance tips

Clean regularly

One of the best ways to prevent leaks is to clean your coffee maker regularly.

This not only helps prevent blockages, but also ensures a better taste of your coffee.

  • How often should you clean? Clean your coffee maker weekly if you use it daily. For less frequent use, once a month is sufficient.

  • Which parts do you need to clean? Don't forget to thoroughly clean the water tank, pipes, filters and coffee paths.


Regular descaling of your coffee maker is crucial to extend its lifespan and prevent leaks.

Limescale can build up and hinder the operation of the machine.

  • How often should you descale? This depends on the hardness of the water in your area. In general, once every three months is a good guideline.

  • What resources can you use? Use special descaling agents that are suitable for coffee machines. Avoid household vinegar as it can cause damage to the internal components.

Check and replace parts

Just like any machine, coffee maker parts wear out over time.

Regular checks and timely replacement of these parts can prevent many problems.

  • Which parts should you check? Gaskets, filters and water reservoirs are the most critical parts that need to be checked regularly.

  • How often do you have to replace parts? This varies, but an annual check-up is a good start. Replace parts as soon as you notice signs of wear or damage.


Coffee maker leaks can be frustrating, but fortunately the causes are usually easy to identify and fix.

By regularly cleaning, descaling and checking parts, you can significantly reduce the risk of leaks.

Remember that preventative maintenance is the key to long-lasting, trouble-free operation of your beloved coffee maker.

So, take the time to care for your machine and enjoy every perfect cup of coffee without worrying about leaks!